The Virginia Key Alliance is a new group of concerned citizens formed the beginning of 2018, but who have been working for the health and welfare of Virginia Key since 2015. We have attended the Miami City Commission meetings and the Virginia Key Advisory Board meetings. We have rallied the troops, we have written letters, we have gotten press - but most of all we have volunteered our time, energy and passion.
2016 successes
When the proposal to expand and improve the marina on the west end of Virginia Key showed many wet slips protruding out into the basin, thereby rendering much of the water unusable by rowers and paddlers, we mobilized a large group to write local officials and to protest at the June Miami Commissioner's meeting.
RESULT: All marina bidders had to redo their proposals with wet slip eliminated from the basin.
When the proposal to expand and improve the marina on the west end of Virginia Key showed many wet slips protruding out into the basin, thereby rendering much of the water unusable by rowers and paddlers, we mobilized a large group to write local officials and to protest at the June Miami Commissioner's meeting.
RESULT: All marina bidders had to redo their proposals with wet slip eliminated from the basin.
By supporting the efforts of the Virginia Key Advisory Board, contacting local officials and voicing our opinions at their meetings, the City's plan to install a cement seawall, a large dock and many cement pathways was stopped.
RESULT: The City is re-doing their plans and trying for a reasonable design that will meet regulatory requirements while keeping the area as natural as possible. We did not get the living seawall that we wanted, but a compromise that will keep the primitive look of the area. The large dock has been changed to a floating dock for ADA access. Cement pathways have been eliminated. A lot of money was saved with this more environmentally friendly plan, perhaps allowing for the implementation of some desired environmental improvements.
The City's plan for a massive mooring field in the Marine Stadium Basin has been withdrawn after the City issued a challenge to provide alternative solutions. We met that challenge and offered three solutions. We hired an attorney to provide the legal expertise needed to implement those solutions. We started a GoFundMe page to fund legal and other expenses.
RESULT: The VKAB officially recognized our efforts with a Resolution to continue our work towards a finalization of any or all of the three possibilities. However, the Resolution was withdrawn from the City Commisison Meeting without explanation and therefore not voted on.
UPDATE: Another Resolution will be voted on at the June 2021 City Commission Meeting.
The original Ultra contract provided only one day to report any issues with the festival. This provided no time for assessment of impact that wasn't immediately available visually; in particular no time for any environmental impact studies. The Virginia Key Advisory Board declared that that was not sufficient time for a reasonable or fair assessment of the festival's affect on Virginia Key and its environs that was needed to adequately inform decisions on renewing the contract for 2020. The Virginia Key Alliance studied the contract and spoke at VKAB meetings about the critical importance of changing the contract to allow a fair appraisal of Ultra.
RESULT: With the help of the Virginia Key Alliance, in support of the Virginia Key Advisory Board, the contract was changed to allow 60 days to gather impact reports.
The original Ultra contract provided only one day to report any issues with the festival. This provided no time for assessment of impact that wasn't immediately available visually; in particular no time for any environmental impact studies. The Virginia Key Advisory Board declared that that was not sufficient time for a reasonable or fair assessment of the festival's affect on Virginia Key and its environs that was needed to adequately inform decisions on renewing the contract for 2020. The Virginia Key Alliance studied the contract and spoke at VKAB meetings about the critical importance of changing the contract to allow a fair appraisal of Ultra.
RESULT: With the help of the Virginia Key Alliance, in support of the Virginia Key Advisory Board, the contract was changed to allow 60 days to gather impact reports.